Trading Brokerage

“Cheap Price!
Cheap Chicken!
We have it!
& We can do it…. ”



We monitor the trend of Demand & Supply as well as Daily Price movement of Chicken in Malaysia as well as Neighboring Countries. Thus, we can provide the lower possible offer price to Producer as well as Clients.


We do brokerage deal, (minimum quantity of 50,o0okg/week) whereby we tie-up the price as well as quantity with Collaboration between Farmers, Slaughter House and Clients.
All the decisions made were a really quick one, any delay will cause a lot of money, as the Farmers & Buyers are always expose to higher or lower price offer in this highly competitive and transparent market.


We provide long term contract supply and pricing upon request by our clients as well as upon advice to Farmers & Buyers.


All the above are only made possible because of our very own big network of Farmers and Slaughtering House around Malaysia. And not forgotten of our secret business model.
1) Large CASH Pool, 2) Credit Reputation, 3) Payment In Advance, 4) etc…

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